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10.1145/1132516.1132569acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesstocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Hardness of approximate two-level logic minimization and PAC learning with membership queries

Published: 21 May 2006 Publication History


Producing a small DNF expression consistent with given data is a classical problem in computer science that occurs in a number of forms and has numerous applications. We consider two standard variants of this problem. The first one is two-level logic minimization or finding a minimal DNF formula consistent with a given complete truth table (TT-MinDNF. This problem was formulated by Quine in 1952 and has been since one of the key problems in logic design. It was proved NP-complete by Masek in 1979. The best known polynomial approximation algorithm is based on a reduction to the SET-COVER problem and produces a DNF formula of size O(d ∙ OPT), where d is the number of variables. We prove that TT-MinDNF is NP-hard to approximate within dγ for some constant γ > 0, establishing the first inapproximability result for the problem.The other DNF minimization problem we consider is PAC learning of DNF expressions when the learning algorithm must output a DNF expression as its hypothesis (referred to as proper learning). We prove that DNF expressions are NP-hard to PAC learn properly even when the learner has access to membership queries, thereby answering a long-standing open question due to Valiant [40]. Finally, we show that inapproximability of TT-MinDNF implies hardness results for restricted proper learning of DNF expressions with membership queries even when learning with respect to the uniform distribution only.


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  1. Hardness of approximate two-level logic minimization and PAC learning with membership queries



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    STOC '06: Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing
    May 2006
    786 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 21 May 2006


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    1. DNF minimization
    2. hardness of approximation
    3. membership queries
    4. proper learning
    5. truth table
    6. two-level logic minimization
    7. uniform distribution


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