Cited By
View all- Lisboa RYasojima Ede Oliveira RMollinetti MTeixeira Ode Oliveira R(2015)Parallel genetic algorithm with social interaction for solving constrained global optimization problems2015 7th International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR)10.1109/SOCPAR.2015.7492772(351-356)Online publication date: Nov-2015
- Teixeira Oda Luz Lobato WYasojima Cde Brito FTeixeira Ade Oliveira R(2010)A new hybrid nature-inspired metaheuristic for problem solving based on the Social Interaction Genetic Algorithm employing Fuzzy Systems2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems10.1109/HIS.2010.5600030(31-36)Online publication date: Aug-2010