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10.1145/1180639.1180711acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Learning from facial aging patterns for automatic age estimation

Published: 23 October 2006 Publication History


Age Specific Human-Computer Interaction (ASHCI) has vast potential applications in daily life. However, automatic age estimation technique is still underdeveloped. One of the main reasons is that the aging effects on human faces present several unique characteristics which make age estimation a challenging task that requires non-standard classification approaches. According to the speciality of the facial aging effects, this paper proposes the AGES (AGing pattErn Subspace) method for automatic age estimation. The basic idea is to model the aging pattern, which is defined as a sequence of personal aging face images, by learning a representative subspace. The proper aging pattern for an unseen face image is then determined by the projection in the subspace that can best reconstruct the face image, while the position of the face image in that aging pattern will indicate its age. The AGES method has shown encouraging performance in the comparative experiments either as an age estimator or as an age range estimator.


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MM '06: Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimedia
October 2006
1072 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 23 October 2006


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  1. age specific human-computer interaction
  2. aging pattern
  3. automatic age estimation
  4. face image


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MM06: The 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2006
October 23 - 27, 2006
CA, Santa Barbara, USA

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