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10.1145/1289971.1289994acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgpceConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Debugging macros

Published: 01 October 2007 Publication History


Over the past two decades, Scheme macros have evolved into a powerful API for the compiler front-end. Like Lisp macros, their predecessors, Scheme macros expand source programs into a small core language; unlike Lisp systems, Scheme macro expanders preserve many desirable properties, including lexical scope and source location. Using such macros, Scheme programmers now routinely develop the ultimate abstraction: embedded domain-specific programming languages.
Unfortunately, Scheme programming environments provide little support for macro development. This lack makes it difficult for programmers to debug their macros and for novices to study the behavior of macros. In response, we have developed a stepping debugger specialized to the concerns of macro expansion. It presents the macro expansion process as a linear rewriting sequence of annotated terms; it graphically illustrates the binding structure of the program as expansion reveals it; and it adapts to the programmer's level of abstraction, hiding details of syntactic forms that the programmer considers built-in.


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  • (2024)DSLs in Racket: You Want It How, Now?Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering10.1145/3687997.3695645(84-103)Online publication date: 17-Oct-2024
  • (2015)Extensible Debugger Framework for Extensible LanguagesReliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 201510.1007/978-3-319-19584-1_3(33-49)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2015
  • (2011)Multilingual component programming in racketACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/2189751.204786447:3(1-2)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2011



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cover image ACM Conferences
GPCE '07: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering
October 2007
206 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2007


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  • (2024)DSLs in Racket: You Want It How, Now?Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering10.1145/3687997.3695645(84-103)Online publication date: 17-Oct-2024
  • (2015)Extensible Debugger Framework for Extensible LanguagesReliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 201510.1007/978-3-319-19584-1_3(33-49)Online publication date: 9-Jun-2015
  • (2011)Multilingual component programming in racketACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/2189751.204786447:3(1-2)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2011
  • (2011)Multilingual component programming in racketProceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on Generative programming and component engineering10.1145/2047862.2047864(1-2)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2011

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