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View all- Herraiz IRodriguez DRobles GGonzalez-Barahona J(2013)The evolution of the laws of software evolutionACM Computing Surveys10.1145/2543581.254359546:2(1-28)Online publication date: 27-Dec-2013
This paper opens with a brief summary of some 30 years of study of the software evolution phenomenon. The results of those studies include the SPE program classification, a principle of software uncertainty and laws of E-type software evolution. The ...
Software needs to evolve in order to be used for a longer period. The changes corresponding to corrective, preventive, adaptive and perfective maintenance leads to software evolution. In this paper we are presenting the results of study conducted on 13 ...
Software evolution is a fact of life. Over the past 30years, researchers have proposed hypotheses on how software changes and provided evidence that both supports and refutes these hypotheses. To paint a clearer image of the software evolution process, ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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