Cited By
View all- Moulin H(2009)Almost budget-balanced VCG mechanisms to assign multiple objectsJournal of Economic Theory10.1016/j.jet.2008.03.003144:1(96-119)Online publication date: Jan-2009
We consider the problem of auctioning time - a one-dimensional continuously-divisible heterogeneous good - among multiple agents. Applications include auctioning time for using a shared device, auctioning TV commercial slots, and more. Different agents ...
We consider the problem of auctioning a one-dimensional continuously-divisible heterogeneous good (a.k.a.~``the cake'') among multiple agents. Applications include auctioning of time intervals, e.g.~auctioning time for usage of a shared device, ...
In this paper we extend the notion of multi-unit combinatorial reverse auction by adding a new dimension to the goods at auction. In such a new type of combinatorial auction a buyer can express substitutability relationships among goods: some goods can ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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