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Towards the ultimate APL-TOE

Published: 15 July 1992 Publication History


This paper presents the results of more than 10 years of transdisciplinary work. The initial idea was: can the laws of Nature also been found of rebuilt, independently from theoretical research in Physics (on elementary particles and matter in general), also in the field of Computer Science i.e. Information Processing? Pressing a lemon reveals its juice and stones; if one “tortures” matter, the components of its (first electrons, neutrons and protons, then quarks and gluons at a lesser order of magnitude) may be detected. What will appear if one tries to compress algorithms instead of atoms? APL seemed to be the ideal candidate for such a systematical investigation that led to some intriguing results which first proved to be indeed strongly connected with the conventional laws of Physics, then might enlighten in a new way many apparently-independent observations and studies, in a variety of fields such as neural networks, natural-language and signal processing, fractal geometry, Biology and Genetics inter alia.


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cover image ACM Conferences
APL '92: Proceedings of the international conference on APL
July 1992
326 pages



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 15 July 1992


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  1. APL
  2. Fibonacci
  3. T.O.E.
  4. automata
  5. binary algebra
  6. chaos
  7. dynamical systems
  8. fractals
  9. genetics
  10. holography
  11. integrals
  12. parity
  13. periodic systems
  14. propagation
  15. symmetry
  16. topology


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APL92: International Conference on APL
July 6 - 10, 1992
St. Petersburg, Russia


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