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10.1145/1629716.1629737acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesfosdConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards feature-driven planning of product-line evolution

Published: 06 October 2009 Publication History


Industries that successfully apply product line approaches often operate in markets that are well established and have a strategic perspective. Consequently, such organizations have a tendency towards long-term planning of products and product lines. Although there are numerous approaches for efficient product line engineering, there is surprisingly little support for a long-term, strategic perspective and an evolution of product lines. To address these challenges, we aim to integrate evolution into model-driven product line engineering. In particular, we explore how feature models can be applied to describe the evolution of product lines. The paper contributes (i) concepts for describing the evolution of product lines with feature models, (ii) a corresponding framework, which puts this into a bigger context and (iii) three scenarios that show how this framework can be applied. The concepts are motivated with examples from automotive software engineering and embedded systems, which are industries with a strong affinity to product lines, where long term planning of the product portfolio are common strategies.


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  • (2020)Consistency-preserving evolution planning on feature modelsProceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line: Volume A - Volume A10.1145/3382025.3414964(1-12)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2020
  • (2019)Harmonized temporal feature modeling to uniformly perform, track, analyze, and replay software product line evolutionProceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences10.1145/3357765.3359515(115-128)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2019
  • (2019)A Method of Automatically Evolving Feature Models of Software Product LinesIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2019.28974057(39253-39272)Online publication date: 2019
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Michael G. Murphy

In the interest of bringing a strategic perspective to the evolution of software product lines, Botterweck et al. "argue that feature models seem to be a promising tool to specify, manage, and analyze product line evolution more systematically and on an appropriate level of abstraction." The approach and its framework are illustrated with examples from automotive applications. The authors introduce EvoFM, "a feature model for evolution planning," and EvoSPL, "a framework for the evolution of product lines." EvoFM was designed to describe "the addition or deletion of features," structural changes, and changes in feature relationships. Also, EvoFM supports partial decisions and incomplete constraints, and assesses the resulting consequences of changes. EvoSPL defines models involved in the evolution process as a way to provide context for EvoFM. Section 5 presents three scenarios for using the framework: Section 5.1, "Reactive Derivation of EvoFM," describes the derivation of EvoFM from product line evolution, based on an existing sequence of feature models; Section 5.2, "Proactive Planning of Evolution," demonstrates the creation of an EvoFM from high-level evolution requirements; and Section 5.3, "Analysis with EvoFM," analyzes planned evolution steps from an existing EvoFM. This well-written and organized paper includes nine figures and a table that illustrate the concepts. It is appropriate for readers who are interested in the strategic use of feature models and the evolution of software product lines. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Other conferences
FOSD '09: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development
October 2009
127 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 06 October 2009


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  1. evolution
  2. feature modeling
  3. product line engineering


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Overall Acceptance Rate 17 of 28 submissions, 61%


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  • (2019)Harmonized temporal feature modeling to uniformly perform, track, analyze, and replay software product line evolutionProceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences10.1145/3357765.3359515(115-128)Online publication date: 21-Oct-2019
  • (2019)A Method of Automatically Evolving Feature Models of Software Product LinesIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2019.28974057(39253-39272)Online publication date: 2019
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