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Deciding security properties for cryptographic protocols. application to key cycles

Published: 22 January 2010 Publication History


There is a large amount of work dedicated to the formal verification of security protocols. In this article, we revisit and extend the NP-complete decision procedure for a bounded number of sessions. We use a, now standard, deducibility constraint formalism for modeling security protocols. Our first contribution is to give a simple set of constraint simplification rules, that allows to reduce any deducibility constraint to a set of solved forms, representing all solutions (within the bound on sessions).
As a consequence, we prove that deciding the existence of key cycles is NP-complete for a bounded number of sessions. The problem of key-cycles has been put forward by recent works relating computational and symbolic models. The so-called soundness of the symbolic model requires indeed that no key cycle (e.g., enc(k, k)) ever occurs in the execution of the protocol. Otherwise, stronger security assumptions (such as KDM-security) are required.
We show that our decision procedure can also be applied to prove again the decidability of authentication-like properties and the decidability of a significant fragment of protocols with timestamps.


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  1. Deciding security properties for cryptographic protocols. application to key cycles



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      cover image ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
      ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  Volume 11, Issue 2
      January 2010
      261 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Publication History

      Published: 22 January 2010
      Accepted: 01 April 2008
      Received: 01 August 2007
      Published in TOCL Volume 11, Issue 2


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      1. formal proofs
      2. security protocols
      3. symbolic constraints
      4. verification


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