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Volunteers' participation in open source software development: a study from the social-relational perspective

Published: 23 August 2010 Publication History


Open source software comprises a revolutionary new model of software development and distribution. Widespread Internet access in the early 1990s led to a dramatic acceleration of open source activity; but the success of a community open source project depends on the developers' voluntary participation. This paper investigates the social-relational factors, including developers' identification and obligation, shared goals, cognitive and affective trust, and their effects on open source software developer's participation. Data were collected from voluntary developers in open source projects. The research findings show that the social-relational factors are very important to promote developer's participation in an open source project. This research contributes empirically to the body of open source software research, and has practical implications for open source software development.


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  1. Volunteers' participation in open source software development: a study from the social-relational perspective



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      cover image ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems
      ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems  Volume 41, Issue 3
      August 2010
      76 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 23 August 2010
      Published in SIGMIS Volume 41, Issue 3

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      1. open source software
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      3. project management
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