Cited By
View all- Theocharopoulou GGiannakis K(2012)Web Mining to Create Semantic Content: A Case Study for the EnvironmentArtificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations10.1007/978-3-642-33412-2_42(411-420)Online publication date: 2012
Populating a knowledge base with new entity mentions extracted from unstructured text can help enhance its coverage and freshness. It naturally consists of two subtasks, namely, fine-grained entity classification and entity linking. Existing studies ...
An ontology is defined using concepts and relationships between the concepts. In this paper, we focus on second problem: relation extraction from plain text. Generic Knowledge Bases like YAGO, Freebase, and DBPedia have made accessible huge collections ...
In this paper we study whether state-of-the-art techniques for multi-domain and multilingual entity linking can be ported to the clinical domain. To do so, we compare two known entity linking systems, BabelFly and TagMe, that leverage on Wikipedia and ...
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