Dynamic WAIS book: an electronic book to publish and consult information distributed across a wide-area network
Pages 225 - 227
The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the design and development of a “network user interface” application which provides capabilities to locally organise information resulting from searches conducted on a collection of data distributed across a wide area network. A strong requirement which had to be satisfied was to define a model for the user interface characterised by easy and intuitive use-ability in order to provide a system that could be easily used by people not necessarily expert in computing systems.
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Index Terms
- Dynamic WAIS book: an electronic book to publish and consult information distributed across a wide-area network
The talking book: participatory design of an icon-based user interface for rural people with low literacy
AfriCHI '18: Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving CommunitiesThe Talking Book is an audio technology for sharing knowledge about health and agriculture among oral cultures in rural settings. As a technology, without a display or mouse; navigation is through audio instructions and buttons labelled with icons. This ...
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June 1994
249 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery
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