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An update-aware storage system for low-locality update-intensive workloads

Published: 03 March 2012 Publication History


Traditional storage systems provide a simple read/write interface, which is inadequate for low-locality update-intensive workloads because it limits the disk scheduling flexibility and results in inefficient use of buffer memory and raw disk bandwidth. This paper describes an update-aware disk access interface that allows applications to explicitly specify disk update requests and associate with such requests call-back functions that will be invoked when the requested disk blocks are brought into memory. Because call-back functions offer a continuation mechanism after retrieval of requested blocks, storage systems supporting this interface are given more flexibility in scheduling pending disk update requests. In particular, this interface enables a simple but effective technique called Batching mOdifications with Sequential Commit (BOSC), which greatly improves the sustained throughput of a storage system under low-locality update-intensive workloads. In addition, together with a space-efficient low-latency disk logging technique, BOSC is able to deliver the same durability guarantee as synchronous disk updates. Empirical measurements show that the random update throughput of a BOSC-based B+ tree is more than an order of magnitude higher than that of the same B+ tree implementation on a traditional storage system.


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Index Terms

  1. An update-aware storage system for low-locality update-intensive workloads



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      Published In

      cover image ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News
      ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  Volume 40, Issue 1
      ASPLOS '12
      March 2012
      453 pages
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      • cover image ACM Conferences
        ASPLOS XVII: Proceedings of the seventeenth international conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
        March 2012
        476 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Publication History

      Published: 03 March 2012
      Published in SIGARCH Volume 40, Issue 1

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      Author Tags

      1. B+ trees
      2. BOSC
      3. buffered writes
      4. fast logging
      5. hard disks
      6. low-locality
      7. storage
      8. update interface
      9. update-intensive


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