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View all- Bousquet LSimeu E(2013)System-level modeling of electromechanical devices with energy consumption2013 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon)10.1109/SysCon.2013.6549968(756-761)Online publication date: Apr-2013
We present efficient techniques for estimating switching activity and power consumption at the register-transfer level (RTL), using a combination of macro-modeling for datapath blocks, and control logic analysis techniques based on partial delay ...
High-level power estimation, when given only a high-level design specification such as a functional or register-transfer level (RTL) description, requires high-level estimation of the circuit average activity and total capacitance. Considering that ...
In this paper, we present a comprehensive high-level synthesis system that is geared toward reducing power consumption in control-flow intensive as well as data-dominated circuits. An iterative improvement framework allows the system to search the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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