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10.1145/2213836.2213859acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Efficient spatial sampling of large geographical tables

Published: 20 May 2012 Publication History


Large-scale map visualization systems play an increasingly important role in presenting geographic datasets to end users. Since these datasets can be extremely large, a map rendering system often needs to select a small fraction of the data to visualize them in a limited space. This paper addresses the fundamental challenge of thinning: determining appropriate samples of data to be shown on specific geographical regions and zoom levels. Other than the sheer scale of the data, the thinning problem is challenging because of a number of other reasons: (1) data can consist of complex geographical shapes, (2) rendering of data needs to satisfy certain constraints, such as data being preserved across zoom levels and adjacent regions, and (3) after satisfying the constraints, an optimal solution needs to be chosen based on objectives such as maximality, fairness, and importance of data.
This paper formally defines and presents a complete solution to the thinning problem. First, we express the problem as a integer programming formulation that efficiently solves thinning for desired objectives. Second, we present more efficient solutions for maximality, based on DFS traversal of a spatial tree. Third, we consider the common special case of point datasets, and present an even more efficient randomized algorithm. Finally, we have implemented all techniques from this paper in Google Maps visualizations of Fusion Tables, and we describe a set of experiments that demonstrate the tradeoffs among the algorithms.


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  1. Efficient spatial sampling of large geographical tables



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGMOD '12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
    May 2012
    886 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 20 May 2012


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    Author Tags

    1. data visualization
    2. geographical databases
    3. indexing
    4. maps
    5. query processing
    6. spatial sampling


    • Research-article



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    SIGMOD '12 Paper Acceptance Rate 48 of 289 submissions, 17%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 785 of 4,003 submissions, 20%


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