Cited By
View all- Figueira GAlmada-Lobo B(2014)Hybrid simulation–optimization methods: A taxonomy and discussionSimulation Modelling Practice and Theory10.1016/j.simpat.2014.03.00746(118-134)Online publication date: Aug-2014
The airport runway is a scarce resource that must be shared by different runway operations(arrivals, departures and runway crossings). Given the possible sequences of runway events, careful Runway Operations Planning (ROP) is required if runway ...
Airlines typically construct their schedules assuming that every flight leg will depart and arrive as planned. Because this optimistic scenario rarely occurs, these plans are frequently disrupted and airlines often incur significant costs in addition to ...
Landing dynamics analysis is necessary for the success of the lunar lander soft-landing. Recent advances in computational speed have made lunar lander soft-landing modeling and simulation using a nonlinear, transient dynamics, finite element analysis ...
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