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View all- Aggestrup ASvendsen SPræstegaard ALøventoft PNørregaard LKnorr UDam HFrøkjær EDanilenko KHageman IFaurholt-Jepsen MKessing LMartiny K(2023)Circadian Reinforcement Therapy in Combination With Electronic Self-Monitoring to Facilitate a Safe Postdischarge Period for Patients With Major Depression: Randomized Controlled TrialJMIR Mental Health10.2196/5007210(e50072)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2023
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- Moulaei KBahaadinbeigy KMashoof EDinari F(2023)Design and development of a mobile-based self-care application for patients with depression and anxiety disordersBMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making10.1186/s12911-023-02308-y23:1Online publication date: 2-Oct-2023
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