Cited By
View all- Hesabi ZTari ZGoscinski AFahad AKhalil IQueiroz C(2015)Data Summarization Techniques for Big Data—A SurveyHandbook on Data Centers10.1007/978-1-4939-2092-1_38(1109-1152)Online publication date: 17-Mar-2015
Large amounts of data often require expensive and time-consuming analysis. Therefore, highly scalable and efficient techniques are necessary to process, analyze and discover useful information. Database sampling has proven to be a powerful method to ...
Database sampling is commonly used in applications like data mining and approximate query evaluation in order to achieve a compromise between the accuracy of the results and the computational cost of the process. The authors have recently proposed the ...
Populating the testing environment with relevant data represents a great challenge in software validation, generally requiring expert knowledge about the system under development, as its data critically impacts the outcome of the tests designed to ...
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