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10.1145/2462356.2462399acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessocgConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations

Published: 17 June 2013 Publication History


For natural numbers d and t there exists a positive C such that if F is a family of nC semi-algebraic sets in Rd of description complexity at most t, then there is a subset F' of F of size $n$ such that either every pair of elements in F' intersect or the elements of F' are pairwise disjoint. This result, which also holds if the intersection relation is replaced by any semi-algebraic relation of bounded description complexity, was proved by Alon, Pach, Pinchasi, Radoicic, and Sharir and improves on a bound of 4n for the family F which follows from a straightforward application of Ramsey's theorem. We extend this semi-algebraic version of Ramsey's theorem to k-ary relations and give matching upper and lower bounds for the corresponding Ramsey function, showing that it grows as a tower of height k-1. This improves on a direct application of Ramsey's theorem by one exponential. We apply this result to obtain new estimates for some geometric Ramsey-type problems relating to order types and one-sided sets of hyperplanes. We also study the off-diagonal case, achieving some partial results.


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Cited By

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  • (2014)Lower bounds on geometric Ramsey functionsProceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/2582112.2582146(558-564)Online publication date: 8-Jun-2014
  • (2014)Curves in Rd intersecting every hyperplane at most d + 1 timesProceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/2582112.2582132(565-571)Online publication date: 8-Jun-2014
  • (2013)Higher-order Erdős–Szekeres theoremsAdvances in Mathematics10.1016/j.aim.2013.04.020244(1-15)Online publication date: Sep-2013

Index Terms

  1. Ramsey-type results for semi-algebraic relations



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SoCG '13: Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry
    June 2013
    472 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 17 June 2013


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    Author Tags

    1. hypergraphs
    2. ramsey theory
    3. semi-algebraic sets


    • Research-article


    SoCG '13
    SoCG '13: Symposium on Computational Geometry 2013
    June 17 - 20, 2013
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    SoCG '13 Paper Acceptance Rate 48 of 137 submissions, 35%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 625 of 1,685 submissions, 37%


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    Cited By

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    • (2014)Lower bounds on geometric Ramsey functionsProceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/2582112.2582146(558-564)Online publication date: 8-Jun-2014
    • (2014)Curves in Rd intersecting every hyperplane at most d + 1 timesProceedings of the thirtieth annual symposium on Computational geometry10.1145/2582112.2582132(565-571)Online publication date: 8-Jun-2014
    • (2013)Higher-order Erdős–Szekeres theoremsAdvances in Mathematics10.1016/j.aim.2013.04.020244(1-15)Online publication date: Sep-2013

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