Cited By
View all- Berenbrink PKling PLiaw CMehrabian A(2017)Tight Load Balancing Via Randomized Local Search2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)10.1109/IPDPS.2017.52(192-201)Online publication date: May-2017
Load balancing is an important consideration when running data-parallel programs. While traditional techniques trade off the cost of load imbalance with the overhead of mitigating that imbalance, when speculatively parallelizing amorphous data-parallel ...
We study threshold-based load balancing protocols for weighted tasks. We are given an arbitrary graph G with n nodes (resources, bins) and m > n tasks (balls). Initially the tasks are distributed arbitrarily over the n nodes. The resources have a ...
Cloud services require the allocation of scarce resources to multiple user requests (jobs) in a setting that facilitates preemption and migration while respecting resource and timing constraints. This gives rise to the following variants of the ...
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