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A vlHMM approach to context-aware search

Published: 01 November 2013 Publication History


Capturing the context of a user's query from the previous queries and clicks in the same session leads to a better understanding of the user's information need. A context-aware approach to document reranking, URL recommendation, and query suggestion may substantially improve users' search experience. In this article, we propose a general approach to context-aware search by learning a variable length hidden Markov model (vlHMM) from search sessions extracted from log data. While the mathematical model is powerful, the huge amounts of log data present great challenges. We develop several distributed learning techniques to learn a very large vlHMM under the map-reduce framework. Moreover, we construct feature vectors for each state of the vlHMM model to handle users' novel queries not covered by the training data. We test our approach on a raw dataset consisting of 1.9 billion queries, 2.9 billion clicks, and 1.2 billion search sessions before filtering, and evaluate the effectiveness of the vlHMM learned from the real data on three search applications: document reranking, query suggestion, and URL recommendation. The experiment results validate the effectiveness of vlHMM in the applications of document reranking, URL recommendation, and query suggestion.


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    ACM Transactions on the Web  Volume 7, Issue 4
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    Publication History

    Published: 01 November 2013
    Accepted: 01 May 2013
    Revised: 01 February 2012
    Received: 01 June 2011
    Published in TWEB Volume 7, Issue 4


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    1. Context-aware search
    2. variable length hidden Markov model


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