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10.1145/2543728.2543739acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespepmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Compile-time reflection and metaprogramming for Java

Published: 11 January 2014 Publication History


Java reflection enables us to write reusable programs that are independent of certain classes. However, when runtime performance is a big concern, we propose to use compile-time reflection for writing metaprograms that generate non-reflective class/type specific code, which has lower runtime cost.
We proposed both compile-time reflection and metaprogramming for Java, and extended our previous work on pattern-based traits. Pattern-based traits integrate pattern-based reflection with flexible composition of traits. They are capable of pattern-matching over class members and generating expressive code. We add and formalize pattern-based reflection at the statement-level, which enables a meta program to generate statements. We add reified generics for pattern-based traits, which enables a pattern to iterate over any class when traits are instantiated. We implemented an ORM tool (called PtjORM) using pattern-based traits. PtjORM uses compile-time reflection and our benchmark tests show that it has competitive runtime performance compared to the mainstream Java ORM tools.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PEPM '14: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
January 2014
202 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 January 2014


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  1. compile-time reflection
  2. metaprogramming
  3. object-oriented programming
  4. traits


  • Research-article


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PEPM '14 Paper Acceptance Rate 17 of 22 submissions, 77%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 66 of 120 submissions, 55%


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