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10.1145/2568225.2568283acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Mining configuration constraints: static analyses and empirical results

Published: 31 May 2014 Publication History


Highly-configurable systems allow users to tailor the software to their specific needs. Not all combinations of configuration options are valid though, and constraints arise for technical or non-technical reasons. Explicitly describing these constraints in a variability model allows reasoning about the supported configurations. To automate creating variability models, we need to identify the origin of such configuration constraints. We propose an approach which uses build-time errors and a novel feature-effect heuristic to automatically extract configuration constraints from C code. We conduct an empirical study on four highly-configurable open-source systems with existing variability models having three objectives in mind: evaluate the accuracy of our approach, determine the recoverability of existing variability-model constraints using our analysis, and classify the sources of variability-model constraints. We find that both our extraction heuristics are highly accurate (93% and 77% respectively), and that we can recover 19% of the existing variability-models using our approach. However, we find that many of the remaining constraints require expert knowledge or more expensive analyses. We argue that our approach, tooling, and experimental results support researchers and practitioners working on variability model re-engineering, evolution, and consistency-checking techniques.


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Published: 31 May 2014


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