Cited By
View all- Macedo MSiqueira HFigueiredo ESantana CLira RGokhale ABastos-Filho C(2021)Overview on Binary Optimization Using Swarm-Inspired AlgorithmsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31247109(149814-149858)Online publication date: 2021
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is one of the most popular population-based stochastic algorithms for solving complex optimization problems. While PSO is simple and effective, it is originally defined in continuous space. In order to take advantage of ...
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization. Its parameters are easy to control, and it operates easily. But, the particle swarm optimization is a local convergence algorithm. Quantum-behaved particle swarm ...
Enhanced PSO with levy flight.Random walk of the particles.High convergence rate.Provides solution accuracy and robust. Hüseyin Haklı and Harun Uguz (2014) proposed a novel approach for global function optimization using particle swarm optimization with ...
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