Cited By
View all- Kar WSwaminathan SSwaminathan V(2016)Audience Validation from Demographic Mix and Insufficient Individual Data2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)10.1109/ISM.2016.0020(60-64)Online publication date: Dec-2016
Billions of online display advertising spots are purchased on a daily basis through real time bidding exchanges (RTBs). Advertising companies bid for these spots on behalf of a company or brand in order to purchase these spots to display banner ...
Online advertising campaigns often consist of multiple ads, each with different creative content. We consider how various creatives in a campaign differentially affect behavior given the targeted individual's ad impression history, as characterized by ...
The purpose of this chapter is to provide some insights into advertisements on the Iranian websites. Firstly, in publisher side, is the ethic a matter of fact in accepting Internet advertisements to publish? Second, to provide a preliminary insight into ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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