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Automatic and Portable Mapping of Data Parallel Programs to OpenCL for GPU-Based Heterogeneous Systems

Published: 08 December 2014 Publication History


General-purpose GPU-based systems are highly attractive, as they give potentially massive performance at little cost. Realizing such potential is challenging due to the complexity of programming. This article presents a compiler-based approach to automatically generate optimized OpenCL code from data parallel OpenMP programs for GPUs. A key feature of our scheme is that it leverages existing transformations, especially data transformations, to improve performance on GPU architectures and uses automatic machine learning to build a predictive model to determine if it is worthwhile running the OpenCL code on the GPU or OpenMP code on the multicore host. We applied our approach to the entire NAS parallel benchmark suite and evaluated it on distinct GPU-based systems. We achieved average (up to) speedups of 4.51× and 4.20× (143× and 67×) on Core i7/NVIDIA GeForce GTX580 and Core i7/AMD Radeon 7970 platforms, respectively, over a sequential baseline. Our approach achieves, on average, greater than 10× speedups over two state-of-the-art automatic GPU code generators.


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    ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 11, Issue 4
    January 2015
    797 pages
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    Publication History

    Published: 08 December 2014
    Accepted: 01 October 2014
    Revised: 01 October 2014
    Received: 01 December 2013
    Published in TACO Volume 11, Issue 4


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