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Hyperdocuments as automata: verification of trace-based browsing properties by model checking

Published: 01 January 1998 Publication History


We present a view of hyperdocuments in which each document encodes its own browsing semantics in its links. This requires a mental shift in how a hyperdocument is thought of abstractly. Instead of treating the links of a document as defining a static directed graph, they are thought of as defining an abstract program, termed the links-automaton of the document. A branching temporal logic notation, termed HTL*, is introduced for specifying properties a document should exhibit during browsing. An automated program verification technique called model checking is used to verify that browsing specifications in a subset of HTL* are met by the behavior defined in the links-automation. We illustrate the generality of these techniques by applying them first to several Trellis documents and then to a Hyperties document.


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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 16, Issue 1
Jan. 1998
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 January 1998
Published in TOIS Volume 16, Issue 1


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  1. Petri nets
  2. browsing semantics
  3. hypermedia
  4. hypertext
  5. model checking
  6. temporal logic


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