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On Using the Roofline Model with Lower Bounds on Data Movement

Published: 09 January 2015 Publication History


The roofline model is a popular approach for “bound and bottleneck” performance analysis. It focuses on the limits to the performance of processors because of limited bandwidth to off-chip memory. It models upper bounds on performance as a function of operational intensity, the ratio of computational operations per byte of data moved from/to memory. While operational intensity can be directly measured for a specific implementation of an algorithm on a particular target platform, it is of interest to obtain broader insights on bottlenecks, where various semantically equivalent implementations of an algorithm are considered, along with analysis for variations in architectural parameters. This is currently very cumbersome and requires performance modeling and analysis of many variants.
In this article, we address this problem by using the roofline model in conjunction with upper bounds on the operational intensity of computations as a function of cache capacity, derived from lower bounds on data movement. This enables bottleneck analysis that holds across all dependence-preserving semantically equivalent implementations of an algorithm. We demonstrate the utility of the approach in assessing fundamental limits to performance and energy efficiency for several benchmark algorithms across a design space of architectural variations.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 11, Issue 4
January 2015
797 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 09 January 2015
Accepted: 01 November 2014
Revised: 01 November 2014
Received: 01 June 2014
Published in TACO Volume 11, Issue 4


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  1. I/O lower bounds
  2. Operational intensity upper bounds
  3. algorithm-architecture codesign
  4. architecture design space exploration


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  • (2022)A High-Fidelity Flow Solver for Unstructured Meshes on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays: Design, Evaluation, and Future ChallengesInternational Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region10.1145/3492805.3492808(125-136)Online publication date: 7-Jan-2022
  • (2017)Verification of the Extended Roofline Model for Asynchronous Many Task RuntimesProceedings of the Third International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware10.1145/3152041.3152087(1-8)Online publication date: 12-Nov-2017
  • (2017)Beyond the RooflineIEEE Transactions on Computers10.1109/TC.2016.258215166:1(52-58)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017
  • (2016)FFT on XMT: Case Study of a Bandwidth-Intensive Regular Algorithm on a Highly-Parallel Many Core2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)10.1109/IPDPSW.2016.157(561-569)Online publication date: May-2016

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