Cited By
View all- Feng WZhu QZhuang JYu S(2018)An expert recommendation algorithm based on Pearson correlation coefficient and FP-growthCluster Computing10.1007/s10586-017-1576-y22:S3(7401-7412)Online publication date: 3-Jan-2018
Recommender System (RS) predicts user's ratings towards items, and then recommends highly-predicted items to user. In recent years, RS has been playing more and more important role in the agent research field. There have been a great deal of researches ...
Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular recommendation technique nowadays. Traditional CF approaches compute a similarity value between the target user and each other user by computing the relativity of their rating style, which is the set of ...
Recommender systems employ prediction algorithms to provide users with items that match their interests. The collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular system and the two of the most famous techniques in CF are the user-based CF (UBCF) and item-...
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