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Model Continuity in Discrete Event Simulation: A Framework for Model-Driven Development of Simulation Models

Published: 16 April 2015 Publication History


Most of the well-known modeling and simulation (M&S) methodologies state the importance of conceptual modeling in simulation studies, and they suggest the use of conceptual models during the simulation model development process. However, only a limited number of methodologies refers to how to move from a conceptual model to an executable simulation model. Besides, existing M&S methodologies do not typically provide a formal method for model transformations between the models in different stages of the development process. Hence, in the current M&S practice, model continuity is usually not fulfilled. In this article, a model-driven development framework for M&S is presented to bridge the gap between different stages of a simulation study and to obtain model continuity. The applicability of the framework is illustrated with a prototype modeling environment and a case study in the discrete event simulation domain.

Supplementary Material

a17-cetinkaya-apndx.pdf (cetinkaya.zip)
Supplemental movie, appendix, image and software files for, A reward-and-punishment-based approach for concept detection using adaptive ontology rules


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      ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation  Volume 25, Issue 3
      May 2015
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      Published: 16 April 2015
      Accepted: 01 December 2014
      Revised: 01 September 2014
      Received: 01 April 2013
      Published in TOMACS Volume 25, Issue 3


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      1. Conceptual modeling
      2. discrete event simulation
      3. metamodeling
      4. model transformation
      5. model-driven development


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