Cited By
View all- Pu MHuang YGuan QZou QBoll SMu Lee KLuo JZhu WByun HWen Chen CLienhart RMei T(2018)GraphNetProceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/3240508.3240542(483-491)Online publication date: 15-Oct-2018
Successful semantic segmentation methods typically rely on the training datasets containing a large number of pixel-wise labeled images. To alleviate the dependence on such a fully annotated training dataset, in this paper, we propose a semi- and weakly-...
In this paper, we focus on tacking the problem of weakly supervised semantic segmentation. The aim is to predict the class label of image regions under weakly supervised settings, where training images are only provided with image-level labels ...
To reach top accuracy, current fully supervised instance segmentation methods severely rely on large-scale pixel-wise labeled datasets. They are usually expensive and time-consuming to obtain. Though weakly or semi-supervised methods ...
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