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OfficeFloor: using office patterns to improve software design

Published: 10 July 2013 Publication History


OfficeFloor is a middleware framework that bases its design on the patterns occurring within an office. Re-using office patterns within software provides two improvements to software design. The first is improved performance tuning of applications operating within complex enterprise environments. Complex enterprise environments, such as Service-Oriented Architecture, require applications to interact with multiple downstream systems. Any one of these downstream systems may impact the application's performance. The improved performance tuning is a result of the office patterns enabling the use of multiple thread pools to isolate the performance impacts of each of these downstream systems. The second improvement is a middleware framework that enables early and continuous delivery of working code for Agile methodologies. The early and continuous delivery of working code is a result of the office patterns enabling inversion of control for methods. The inversion of control for methods enables building applications bottom-up. This bottom-up approach to building applications reduces the lead times involved with top-down software designs and also reduces the refactoring due to top-down software designs. The reduced lead times and reduced refactoring enables early and continuous delivery of working code for Agile methodologies.


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  • (2019)Synergy of Organizational Patterns and Aspect-Oriented Programming2019 IEEE 15th International Scientific Conference on Informatics10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119335(000439-000444)Online publication date: Nov-2019



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EuroPLoP '13: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Program
July 2013
384 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 10 July 2013


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  1. inversion of control
  2. responsible thread pool
  3. task orchestration


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  • (2019)Synergy of Organizational Patterns and Aspect-Oriented Programming2019 IEEE 15th International Scientific Conference on Informatics10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119335(000439-000444)Online publication date: Nov-2019

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