Cited By
View all- Zhu MXia JJin XYan MCai GYan JNing G(2018)Class Weights Random Forest Algorithm for Processing Class Imbalanced Medical DataIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2018.27894286(4641-4652)Online publication date: 2018
Random Forests are considered for classification of multisource remote sensing and geographic data. Various ensemble classification methods have been proposed in recent years. These methods have been proven to improve classification accuracy ...
Classification of imbalanced data is an important research problem as most of the data encountered in real world systems is imbalanced. Recently a representation learning technique called Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) has been ...
Classification consists of extracting a classifier from large datasets. A dataset is imbalanced if it contains more instances in one class compared to the others. An imbalanced dataset contains majority instances and minority ones. It is worth ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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