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10.1145/2746539.2746602acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesstocConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Secretary Problems with Non-Uniform Arrival Order

Published: 14 June 2015 Publication History


For a number of problems in the theory of online algorithms, it is known that the assumption that elements arrive in uniformly random order enables the design of algorithms with much better performance guarantees than under worst-case assumptions. The quintessential example of this phenomenon is the secretary problem, in which an algorithm attempts to stop a sequence at the moment it observes the maximum value in the sequence. As is well known, if the sequence is presented in uniformly random order there is an algorithm that succeeds with probability 1/e, whereas no non-trivial performance guarantee is possible if the elements arrive in worst-case order.
In many of the applications of online algorithms, it is reasonable to assume there is some randomness in the input sequence, but unreasonable to assume that the arrival ordering is uniformly random. This work initiates an investigation into relaxations of the random-ordering hypothesis in online algorithms, by focusing on the secretary problem and asking what performance guarantees one can prove under relaxed assumptions. Toward this end, we present two sets of properties of distributions over permutations as sufficient conditions, called the (p,q,δ)-block-independence property} and (k,δ)-uniform-induced-ordering property}. We show these two are asymptotically equivalent by borrowing some techniques from the celebrated approximation theory. Moreover, we show they both imply the existence of secretary algorithms with constant probability of correct selection, approaching the optimal constant 1/e as the related parameters of the property tend towards their extreme values. Both of these properties are significantly weaker than the usual assumption of uniform randomness; we substantiate this by providing several constructions of distributions that satisfy (p,q,δ)-block-independence. As one application of our investigation, we prove that Θ(log log n) is the minimum entropy of any permutation distribution that permits constant probability of correct selection in the secretary problem with $n$ elements. While our block-independence condition is sufficient for constant probability of correct selection, it is not necessary; however, we present complexity-theoretic evidence that no simple necessary and sufficient criterion exists. Finally, we explore the extent to which the performance guarantees of other algorithms are preserved when one relaxes the uniform random ordering assumption to (p,q,δ)-block-independence, obtaining a negative result for the weighted bipartite matching algorithm of Korula and Pal.


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  1. Secretary Problems with Non-Uniform Arrival Order



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    STOC '15: Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing
    June 2015
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 14 June 2015


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    1. average-case analysis
    2. online algorithms
    3. secretary problems


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