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Deep Dependency Substructure-Based Learning for Multidocument Summarization

Published: 14 July 2015 Publication History


Most extractive style topic-focused multidocument summarization systems generate a summary by ranking textual units in multiple documents and extracting a proper subset of sentences biased to the given topic. Usually, the textual units are simply represented as sentences or n-grams, which do not carry deep syntactic and semantic information. This article presents a novel extractive topic-focused multidocument summarization framework. The framework proposes a new kind of more meaningful and informative units named frequent Deep Dependency Sub-Structure (DDSS) and a topic-sensitive Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model for frequent DDSS ranking. Given a document set, first, we parse all the sentences into deep dependency structures with a Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) parser and mine the frequent DDSSs after semantic normalization. Then we employ a topic-sensitive MTL model to learn the importance of these frequent DDSSs. Finally, we exploit an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation and use the frequent DDSSs as the essentials for summary extraction. Experimental results on two DUC datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach can achieve state-of-the-art performance. Both the DDSS information and the topic-sensitive MTL model are validated to be very helpful for topic-focused multidocument summarization.


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Fazli Can

Summarization aims to make the information content of a document efficiently accessible. In extractive summarization, sentences of a document are ranked by their importance and top-scoring sentences are selected according to a given summary length constraint. A similar approach is used in multidocument summarization; however, in this case, it is more probable to see the same information in several different surface forms. In focused summarization, the process is biased by the information need expressed in the form of a query. In this paper, the authors first introduce a concept called deep dependency substructure (DDSS) that aims to accurately reflect semantic relationships among words and then employ DDSSs for focused multidocument summarization. For DDSS ranking, the authors apply an approach based on integer linear programming by using not only frequent DDSSs, but also word bigrams; they pay special attention to the possible redundancy problem. In the experiments, several baselines and Document Understanding Conference (DUC) test collections are used. The experiments are comprehensive and the results are comparable to other state-of-the-art methods. The study provides a good new baseline and will be especially useful to researchers working on similar topics. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 34, Issue 1
October 2015
172 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 14 July 2015
Accepted: 01 April 2015
Revised: 01 March 2015
Received: 01 November 2014
Published in TOIS Volume 34, Issue 1


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  1. Document summarization
  2. deep dependency sub-structure
  3. multi-task learning


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