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10.1145/2790449.2790518acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesppdpConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A devil's advocate against termination of direct recursion

Published: 14 July 2015 Publication History


A devil's advocate is one who argues against a claim, not as a committed opponent but in order to determine the validity of the claim. We are interested in a devil's advocate that argues against termination of a program. He does so by producing a maleficent program that can cause the non-termination of the original program. By inspecting and running the malicious program, one may gain insight into the potential reasons for non-termination and produce counterexamples for termination.
We introduce our method in the concurrent programming language Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). Like in other declarative languages, non-termination occurs through unbounded recursion. Given a self-recursive rule, we automatically generate one or more devil's rules from it. The construction of the devil's rules is straight-forward and involves no guessing. The devil's rules can be simple. For example, they are non-recursive for rules with single recursion.
We show that the devil's rules are maximally vicious in the following sense: For any program that contains the self-recursive rule and for any infinite computation through that rule in that program, there is a corresponding infinite computation with the recursive rule and the devil's rules alone. In that case, the malicious rules serve as a finite witness for non-termination. On the other hand, if the devil's rules do not exhibit an infinite computation, the recursive rule is unconditionally terminating. We also identify cases where the static analysis of the devil's rule decides termination or non-termination of the recursive rule.


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R. Clayton

A totally correct system terminates. Instead of establishing termination directly, this paper describes a technique based on non-termination. This technique is statically derivable from the program text and produces non-termination results that are informative relative to the system's failure to terminate. A logically adept reader may be feeling anxious: to show not non-terminating is not to show termination. The logically sophisticated reader may be anticipating restrictive table setting to support this technique. The technique is described relative to a rule-based constraint language. "Devil's rules," syntactically derived from a program's directly recursive rules, are added to the program, and are designed to drive the program into non-termination, called maximally vicious computations. The central theorem of the paper shows that non-terminating programs contains maximally vicious computations characterized by devil's rules. In the absence of devil's rules, a program terminates. Now for the fine print: a program with devil's rules may converge to failure, from which nothing can be concluded. In addition, the technique applies only to programs with rules satisfying various conditions needed by devil's-rule derivations. The technique is in its early days, however, and further work may broaden and strengthen the results it can achieve. The paper is a vigorous read, requiring knowledge of more advanced forms of logic programming as well as the usual first-order predicate logic. The simple even-predicate running example proved to be a surprisingly effective help when working through the paper carefully. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Other conferences
PPDP '15: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
July 2015
263 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 July 2015


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  1. constraint handling rules
  2. constraint reasoning
  3. non-termination
  4. program transformation
  5. termination


  • Research-article


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