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10.1145/2804345.2804346acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesfseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

App store mining and analysis

Published: 31 August 2015 Publication History


App stores are not merely disrupting traditional software deployment practice, but also offer considerable potential benefit to scientific research. Software engineering researchers have never had available, a more rich, wide and varied source of information about software products. There is some source code availability, supporting scientific investigation as it does with more traditional open source systems. However, what is important and different about app stores, is the other data available. Researchers can access user perceptions, expressed in rating and review data. Information is also available on app popularity (typically expressed as the number or rank of downloads). For more traditional applications, this data would simply be too commercially sensitive for public release. Pricing information is also partially available, though at the time of writing, this is sadly submerging beneath a more opaque layer of in-app purchasing. This talk will review research trends in the nascent field of App Store Analysis, presenting results from the UCL app Analysis Group (UCLappA) and others, and will give some directions for future work.


B. Bruce, J. Petke, and M. Harman. Reducing energy consumption using genetic improvement. In Genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO 2015), Madrid, Spain, July 2015.
B. Fu, J. Lin, L. Li, C. Faloutsos, J. Hong, and N. Sadeh. Why people hate your app: Making sense of user feedback in a mobile app store. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD ’13, pages 1276–1284. ACM, 2013.
A. Gorla, I. Tavecchia, F. Gross, and A. Zeller. Checking app behavior against app descriptions. In 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), pages 1025–1035, 2014.
E. Guzman and W. Maalej. How do users like this feature? a fine grained sentiment analysis of app reviews. In Requirements Engineering (RE 2014), pages 153–162, Aug 2014.
M. Harman, Y. Jia, J. Krinke, B. Langdon, J. Petke, and Y. Zhang. Search based software engineering for software product line engineering: a survey and directions for future work (keynote paper). In 18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 14), pages 5–18, Florence, Italy, September 2014.
M. Harman, Y. Jia, W. B. Langdon, J. Petke, I. H. Moghadam, S. Yoo, and F. Wu. Genetic improvement for adaptive software engineering (keynote). In 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2014), pages 1–4, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM.
M. Harman, Y. Jia, and Y. Zhang. App Store Mining and Analysis: MSR for App Stores. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’12), pages 108–111, Zurich, Swiss, June 2012. IEEE.
M. Harman, W. B. Langdon, Y. Jia, D. R. White, A. Arcuri, and J. A. Clark. The GISMOE challenge: Constructing the pareto program surface using genetic programming to find better programs (keynote paper). In 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2012), pages 1–14, Essen, Germany, September 2012.
L. Hoon, R. Vasa, J.-G. Schneider, and J. Grundy. An analysis of the mobile app review landscape: Trends and implications, 2014. available on line from Swinbourne University of Tethnology, Australia.
C. Iacob and R. Harrison. Retrieving and Analyzing Mobile App Feature Requests from Online Reviews. In Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR ’13), San Francisco, California, USA, 18-19 May 2013.
H. Khalid. On identifying user complaints of iOS apps. In D. Notkin, B. H. C. Cheng, and K. Pohl, editors, 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), pages 1474–1476.
IEEE/ACM, 2013.
H. Khalid, E. Shihab, M. Nagappan, and A. Hassan. What do mobile app users complain about? A study on free iOS apps. IEEE Software, 32(3):70–77, 2014.
W. B. Langdon and M. Harman. Optimising existing software with genetic programming. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEVC), 2014. To appear.
S. L. Lim and P. J. Bentley. Investigating app store ranking algorithms using a simulation of mobile app ecosystems. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2672–2679, 2013.
M. Linares-Vásquez. Supporting evolution and maintenance of android apps. In 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014) Doctoral Symposium, pages 714–717, 2014.
M. Linares-Vásquez, A. Holtzhauer, C. Bernal-Cárdenas, and D. Poshyvanyk. Revisiting android reuse studies in the context of code obfuscation and library usages. In 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2014), pages 242–251, 2014.
W. Maalej and H. Nabil. Bug report, feature request, or simply praise? on automatically classifying app reviews. In Requirements Engineering (RE ’15), 2015.
to appear.
W. Martin, M. Harman, Y. Jia, F. Sarro, and Y. Zhang. The app sampling problem for app store mining. In Mining Software Repositories (MSR’15), Florence, Italy, May 2015.
T. Menzies. Beyond data mining; towards “Idea Engineering”. In 9th International Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering, PROMISE ’13, Baltimore, MD, USA, Oct. 2013. ACM.
R. Minelli and M. Lanza. Software Analytics for Mobile Applications - Insights & Lessons Learned. In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR ’’13), Genova, Italy, 5-8 March 2013. IEEE.
D. Pagano and W. Maalej. User feedback in the appstore: An empirical study. In requirements engineering (RE 2013), pages 125–134. IEEE, 2013.
R. Pandita, X. Xiao, W. Yang, W. Enck, and T. Xie. WHYPER: Towards Automating Risk Assessment of Mobile Applications. In Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Security Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 14-16 August 2013.
I. J. M. Ruiz, M. Nagappan, A. Bra, T. Berger, S. Dienst, and A. E. Hassan. On the relationship between the number of ad libraries in an android app and its rating, 2014. available on line from Queen’s University, Canada.
F. Sarro, A. AlSubaihin, M. Harman, Y. Jia, W. Martin, and Y. Zhang. Feature lifecycles as they spread, migrate, remain and die in app stores. In Requirements Engineering (RE’15), Ottawa, Canada, August 2015. To appear.
M. D. Syer, M. Nagappan, B. Adams, and A. E. Hassan. Studying the relationship between source code quality and mobile platform dependence. Software Quality Journal, 2014. To appear; available online.
S. E. S. Taba, I. Keivanloo, Y. Zou, J. Ng, and T. Ng. An exploratory study on the relation between user interface complexity and the perceived quality of android applications. In International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2014), 2014. Late Breaking Result.

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  • (2021)Perceiving university students' opinions from Google app reviewsConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience10.1002/cpe.680034:10Online publication date: 30-Dec-2021
  • (2020)Methodology for Analyzing the Traditional Algorithms Performance of User Reviews Using Machine Learning TechniquesAlgorithms10.3390/a1308020213:8(202)Online publication date: 18-Aug-2020
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cover image ACM Conferences
DeMobile 2015: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile
August 2015
36 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 31 August 2015

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  1. App stores
  2. Mining Software Repositories


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  • (2021)Perceiving university students' opinions from Google app reviewsConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience10.1002/cpe.680034:10Online publication date: 30-Dec-2021
  • (2020)Methodology for Analyzing the Traditional Algorithms Performance of User Reviews Using Machine Learning TechniquesAlgorithms10.3390/a1308020213:8(202)Online publication date: 18-Aug-2020
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