Comparing Performance of Parallelizing Frameworks for Grid-Based Fluid Simulation on the CPU
Pages 1 - 7
In this paper we present a comparison study of two widely used parallelizing frameworks on the CPU, namely, OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB). The particular problem domain we apply to is a grid-based fluid simulation solver. The standard Eulerian grid-based fluid solver discretizes the Navier-Stokes equation on a staggered but regular grid and computes the fluid parameters like velocity and pressure in each grid cell. We use OpenMP and TBB to parallelize this computation, and study the behaviour of our implementation on each framework, while working with different number of threads and CPU cores. We provide arguments in support of implementing a mixed solution strategy using both the parallelizing frameworks together, thus improving performance over when either is used in isolation.
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Index Terms
- Comparing Performance of Parallelizing Frameworks for Grid-Based Fluid Simulation on the CPU
A study on parallelizing grid-based fluid simulations on the CPU
COMPUTE '14: Proceedings of the 7th ACM India Computing ConferenceWe present a study based on our initial efforts to parallelize a grid-based fluid solver. The standard Eulerian grid-based fluid solver discretizes the Navier Stokes equation on a regular grid and computes the fluid velocity and pressure in each grid ...
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October 2015
142 pages
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