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Exploiting Hierarchical Locality in Deep Parallel Architectures

Published: 14 June 2016 Publication History


Parallel computers are becoming deeply hierarchical. Locality-aware programming models allow programmers to control locality at one level through establishing affinity between data and executing activities. This, however, does not enable locality exploitation at other levels. Therefore, we must conceive an efficient abstraction of hierarchical locality and develop techniques to exploit it. Techniques applied directly by programmers, beyond the first level, burden the programmer and hinder productivity. In this article, we propose the Parallel Hierarchical Locality Abstraction Model for Execution (PHLAME). PHLAME is an execution model to abstract and exploit machine hierarchical properties through locality-aware programming and a runtime that takes into account machine characteristics, as well as a data sharing and communication profile of the underlying application. This article presents and experiments with concepts and techniques that can drive such runtime system in support of PHLAME. Our experiments show that our techniques scale up and achieve performance gains of up to 88%.


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Maulik A Dave

Locality awareness in programs can be used to improve their execution performance on parallel computers. Modern parallel computers have many levels of parallelism; many cores on a chip and many chips in a node are examples. Locality awareness is the affinity of parallel threads to the distributed data. The paper describes a runtime system that takes locality awareness information expressed in the program and maps it to a multilevel parallel computer to improve execution times of the program. It describes the internals of the system and performance improvement results of various experiments. The paper describes the parallel hierarchical locality abstraction model (PHLAME). The first section presents bandwidth graphs for a modern parallel computer, showing bandwidths at various levels of its organization. The motivation of the work is to reduce communications among the threads executing on different cores/processors. The second section gives a survey of similar projects in the past few years. In the third section, the internals of the PHLAME runtime system are described. The PHLAME implementation model consists of a locality-aware programming model, a mappings evaluation mechanism, mapping strategies, descriptive models, and a runtime systems mapping. The formalism contains a machine description, application profiling, fitness of integrating threads, partitioning of thread interaction graphs, and a PHLAME adaptive selection test algorithm. Partitioning algorithms such as clustering, restricted splitting, and nonrestricted splitting are described. The adaptive selection algorithm quickly chooses the best partitioning algorithm. The next section describes the performances of these algorithms on a real-life multilevel parallel computer. The benchmarks chosen for performance measuring experiments are network-attached storage (NAS) parallel benchmarks written in message passing interface (MPI) and unified parallel C (UPC). The last section discusses the improvement in performance. The performance gains are shown to vary from two to 80 percent, which means that this optimization approach can be useful along with other optimizations. The paper claims it is unique because it extracts multilevel communications improvement from single-level locality-aware programs. This means that resources in rewriting existing algorithms can be saved. On the other hand, the approach opens a new application for graph partitioning algorithms and packages. The formalism in the paper is dedicated to explaining the setup of the approach. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 13, Issue 2
June 2016
200 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 14 June 2016
Accepted: 01 February 2016
Revised: 01 January 2016
Received: 01 September 2015
Published in TACO Volume 13, Issue 2


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  1. PGAS
  2. PHAST
  4. hierarchical locality exploitation
  5. productivity


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