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Distributed In-Memory Computing on Binary RRAM Crossbar

Published: 17 March 2017 Publication History


The recently emerging resistive random-access memory (RRAM) can provide nonvolatile memory storage but also intrinsic computing for matrix-vector multiplication, which is ideal for the low-power and high-throughput data analytics accelerator performed in memory. However, the existing RRAM crossbar--based computing is mainly assumed as a multilevel analog computing, whose result is sensitive to process nonuniformity as well as additional overhead from AD-conversion and I/O. In this article, we explore the matrix-vector multiplication accelerator on a binary RRAM crossbar with adaptive 1-bit-comparator--based parallel conversion. Moreover, a distributed in-memory computing architecture is also developed with the according control protocol. Both memory array and logic accelerator are implemented on the binary RRAM crossbar, where the logic-memory pair can be distributed with the control bus protocol. Experimental results have shown that compared to the analog RRAM crossbar, the proposed binary RRAM crossbar can achieve significant area savings with better calculation accuracy. Moreover, significant speedup can be achieved for matrix-vector multiplication in neural network--based machine learning such that the overall training and testing time can be both reduced. In addition, large energy savings can be also achieved when compared to the traditional CMOS-based out-of-memory computing architecture.


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Published In

cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 13, Issue 3
Special Issue on Hardware and Algorithms for Learning On-a-chip and Special Issue on Alternative Computing Systems
July 2017
418 pages
  • Editor:
  • Yuan Xie
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Publication History

Published: 17 March 2017
Accepted: 01 September 2016
Revised: 01 July 2016
Received: 01 March 2016
Published in JETC Volume 13, Issue 3


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  1. L2-norm--based machine learning
  2. RRAM crossbar
  3. hardware accelerator


  • Research-article
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  • MOE Tier-2
  • Singapore NRF-CRP


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