Model-drivenengineering promotes models and modeltrans-
formations as the primary assets in software development.
The models@run-time approach provides an abstract rep-
resentation of a system at run-time, whereby changes in
the model and the system are constantly reflected on each
other. In this paper, we report on more than three years
of experience with realising models@run-time in scalable
cloud scenarios using a technology stack consisting of the
Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) and Connected Data
Objects(CDO).We establish requirements for the three roles
domain-specific language (DSL) designer, developer, and
operator, and compare them against the capabilities of EM-
F/CDO. It turns out that this technology stack is well-suited
for DSL designers, but less recommendable for developers
and even less suited for operators. For these roles, we experi-
enced a steep learning curve and several lacking features that
hinder the implementation of models@run-time in scalable
cloud scenarios. Performance experiences show limitations
for write heavy scenarios with an increasing amount of total
elements. While we do not discourage the use of EMF/CDO
for such scenarios, we recommend that its adoption for sim-
ilar use cases is carefully evaluated until this technology
stack has realised our wish list of advanced features.