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10.1145/3010915.3010988acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesozchiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Sleep tracking in the real world: a qualitative study into barriers for improving sleep

Published: 29 November 2016 Publication History


Wearable devices like Fitbit and Apple Watch provide convenient access to personal information about sleep habits. However, it is unclear if awareness of one's sleep habits also translates into improved sleep. Hence, we conducted an interview study with 12 people who track their sleep with Fitbit devices to investigate if they have managed to improve their sleep and to examine potential barriers for improving sleep. The participants reported increased awareness of sleep habits, but none of the participants managed to improve their sleep. They faced three barriers in improving their sleep: (1) not knowing what is normal sleep, (2) not being able to diagnose the reasons for a lack of sleep, and (3) not knowing how to act. This paper discusses how to address these barriers, both conceptually as well through design considerations - reference points, connections to lifestyle data, and personalised recommendations - to help users gain improvements in wellbeing from their personal data.


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  1. Sleep tracking in the real world: a qualitative study into barriers for improving sleep



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    OzCHI '16: Proceedings of the 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
    November 2016
    706 pages
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    • IEEE-SMCS: Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society
    • Australian Comp Soc: Australian Computer Society
    • Data61: Data61, CSIRO
    • ICACHI: International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction
    • Infoxchange: Infoxchange
    • HITLab AU: Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia
    • James Boag: James Boag
    • Tourism Tasmania: Tourism Tasmania
    • HFESA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia Inc.
    • IEEEVIC: IEEE Victorian Section
    • UTAS: University of Tasmania, Australia



    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 29 November 2016


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    Author Tags

    1. behaviour change
    2. health
    3. personal informatics
    4. self-awareness
    5. self-monitoring
    6. self-tracking
    7. sleep


    • Short-paper


    OzCHI '16
    • Australian Comp Soc
    • Data61
    • ICACHI
    • Infoxchange
    • HITLab AU
    • James Boag
    • Tourism Tasmania
    • HFESA
    • UTAS
    OzCHI '16: The 28th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
    November 29 - December 2, 2016
    Tasmania, Launceston, Australia

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