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10.1145/3020165.3020170acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesirConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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SearchGazer: Webcam Eye Tracking for Remote Studies of Web Search

Published: 07 March 2017 Publication History


We introduce SearchGazer, a web-based eye tracker for remote web search studies using common webcams already present in laptops and some desktop computers. SearchGazer is a pure JavaScript library that infers the gaze behavior of searchers in real time. The eye tracking model self-calibrates by watching searchers interact with the search pages and trains a mapping of eye features to gaze locations and search page elements on the screen. Contrary to typical eye tracking studies in information retrieval, this approach does not require the purchase of any additional specialized equipment, and can be done remotely in a user's natural environment, leading to cheaper and easier visual attention studies.
While SearchGazer is not intended to be as accurate as specialized eye trackers, it is able to replicate many of the research findings of three seminal information retrieval papers: two that used eye tracking devices, and one that used the mouse cursor as a restricted focus viewer. Charts and heatmaps from those original papers are plotted side-by-side with SearchGazer results. While the main results are similar, there are some notable differences, which we hypothesize derive from improvements in the latest ranking technologies used by current versions of search engines and diligence by remote users. As part of this paper, we also release SearchGazer as a library that can be integrated into any search page.


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  1. SearchGazer: Webcam Eye Tracking for Remote Studies of Web Search



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CHIIR '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval
    March 2017
    454 pages
    • Conference Chairs:
    • Ragnar Nordlie,
    • Nils Pharo,
    • Program Chairs:
    • Luanne Freund,
    • Birger Larsen,
    • Dan Russel
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 March 2017


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    Author Tags

    1. gaze prediction
    2. online eye tracking
    3. remote user studies
    4. user interactions
    5. web search behavior


    • Research-article

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    CHIIR '17

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    CHIIR '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 10 of 48 submissions, 21%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 55 of 163 submissions, 34%


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    • (2024)How Scientists Use Webcams to Track Human GazeFrontiers for Young Minds10.3389/frym.2024.125940412Online publication date: 9-Apr-2024
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