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View all- Abou Jamra HSavonnet M(2023)The Power of Weak Signals: A Twitter Analysis on Game of Thrones’ Final SeasonTransactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems LV10.1007/978-3-662-68100-8_2(25-63)Online publication date: 28-Sep-2023
- Jiang RLiu C(2022)Enhancing Marine Data Transmission with Socially Aware Resilient Vessel NetworksIEEE Wireless Communications10.1109/MWC.004.210061229:3(72-78)Online publication date: Jun-2022
- Gong JDu WLi HLi QZhao YYang KWang Y(2021)Score Prediction Algorithm Combining Deep Learning and Matrix Factorization in Sensor Cloud SystemsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.30351629(47753-47766)Online publication date: 2021
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