Cited By
View all- Gazor MKazemi M(2019)Normal Form Analysis of ℤ2-Equivariant SingularitiesInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos10.1142/S021812741950015929:02(1950015)Online publication date: 7-Mar-2019
We provide a technique to detect the singularities of rational planar curves and to compute the correct order of each singularity including the infinitely near singularities without resorting to blow ups. Our approach employs the given parametrization ...
We prove convergence results for the numerical approximation of relative equilibria of parabolic systems in one space dimension. These systems are special examples of equivariant evolution equations. We use finite differences on a large interval with ...
Genomic Islands are parts of a genome that has evidence of horizontal origins. The present work is a continuation of our earlier work that identified 25 regions downstream of the small RNAs as hotspots of genomic island integration by analyzing three ...
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