Cited By
View all- Sun QHuang FKim JWei LLuebke DKaufman A(2017)Perceptually-guided foveation for light field displaysACM Transactions on Graphics10.1145/3130800.313080736:6(1-13)Online publication date: 20-Nov-2017
The importance of the topic of this paper is caused by the rapid development of virtual, mixed, and augmented reality systems. A problem in designing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) systems is the assessment of ...
Motion perception in immersive virtual environments significantly differs from the real world. For example, previous work has shown that users tend to underestimate travel distances in virtual environments (VEs). As a solution to this problem, ...
AR technology continues to develop and is expected to be used in a much wider range of fields. However, existing head-mounted displays for AR are still inadequate for use in daily life. Therefore, we focused on using VR to develop AR services and ...
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