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Perceptual Lightness Modeling for High-Dynamic-Range Imaging

Published: 27 July 2017 Publication History


The human visual system (HVS) non-linearly processes light from the real world, allowing us to perceive detail over a wide range of illumination. Although models that describe this non-linearity are constructed based on psycho-visual experiments, they generally apply to a limited range of illumination and therefore may not fully explain the behavior of the HVS under more extreme illumination conditions. We propose a modified experimental protocol for measuring visual responses to emissive stimuli that do not require participant training, nor requiring the exclusion of non-expert participants. Furthermore, the protocol can be applied to stimuli covering an extended luminance range. Based on the outcome of our experiment, we propose a new model describing lightness response over an extended luminance range. The model can be integrated with existing color appearance models or perceptual color spaces. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in high dynamic range applications, we evaluate its suitability for dynamic range expansion relative to existing solutions.

Supplementary Material

a1-abebe-supp.pdf (abebe.zip)
Supplemental movie, appendix, image and software files for, Perceptual Lightness Modeling for High-Dynamic-Range Imaging


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cover image ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception  Volume 15, Issue 1
January 2018
122 pages
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Publication History

Published: 27 July 2017
Accepted: 01 March 2017
Revised: 01 March 2017
Received: 01 July 2016
Published in TAP Volume 15, Issue 1


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  1. ITMO
  2. Lightness modeling
  3. color appearance modeling
  4. high dynamic range imaging
  5. psycho-visual experiment


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  • (2020)Blind Quality Assessment for High Dynamic Range Video SystemsProceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence10.1145/3445815.3445848(201-206)Online publication date: 11-Dec-2020
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