Cited By
View all- Lin PMettrick DHung PIqbal F(2019)Robot Computing for Music VisualizationTheory and Applications of Models of Computation10.1007/978-3-030-14812-6_27(438-447)Online publication date: 6-Mar-2019
Because appearance-constrained robots lack expressiveness, human users often find it hard to understand their behavior and intentions. To address this, expressive lights are considered to be an effective means for such robots to communicate with people. ...
In this paper, we explore how a utility robot might express emotions via expressive lights and in-situ motions. In most previous work, methods for either modality were investigated alone, leaving a huge potential to improve the expression of emotions by ...
This study investigates how consumers assess the quality of two types of recommender systems-collaborative filtering and content-based--in the context of e-commerce by using a modified version of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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