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10.1145/3126686.3126757acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Hierarchical Representation Based on Bayesian Nonparametric Tree-Structured Mixture Model for Playing Technique Classification

Published: 23 October 2017 Publication History


This work develops a topic model-based hierarchical representation for identifying the latent characteristics behind the frame-level musical features. Frame-level features and music clips are regarded as acoustic words and acoustic documents, respectively. A Gaussian hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation (G-hLDA) is proposed to find the latent topics behind the acoustic document. The G-hLDA directly handles the continuous features instead of transforming them into discrete words, reducing information loss from discretization-based vector quantization. Specially, each latent topic that is identified by G-hLDA is represented as a node in the infinitely deep, infinitely branching tree. For a music clip, the number of its acoustic words at each node is computed to form the hierarchical representation. The proposed representation hierarchically captures not only the shared components but also the unique components among music clips, resulting in improved performance. The experimental results on the guitar playing technique database demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms baselines.


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Cited By

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  • (2021)Instrument Playing Technique Recognition: A Greek Music Use CaseProceedings of the Worldwide Music Conference 202110.1007/978-3-030-74039-9_13(124-136)Online publication date: 13-Apr-2021
  • (2018)Learning a Hierarchical Latent Semantic Model for Multimedia Data2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)10.1109/ICPR.2018.8545305(2995-3000)Online publication date: Aug-2018

Index Terms

  1. Hierarchical Representation Based on Bayesian Nonparametric Tree-Structured Mixture Model for Playing Technique Classification



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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 23 October 2017


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    1. hierarchical representation
    2. playing technique classification


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    • (2021)Instrument Playing Technique Recognition: A Greek Music Use CaseProceedings of the Worldwide Music Conference 202110.1007/978-3-030-74039-9_13(124-136)Online publication date: 13-Apr-2021
    • (2018)Learning a Hierarchical Latent Semantic Model for Multimedia Data2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)10.1109/ICPR.2018.8545305(2995-3000)Online publication date: Aug-2018

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