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Identifying Open-Source License Violation and 1-day Security Risk at Large Scale

Published: 30 October 2017 Publication History


With millions of apps available to users, the mobile app market is rapidly becoming very crowded. Given the intense competition, the time to market is a critical factor for the success and profitability of an app. In order to shorten the development cycle, developers often focus their efforts on the unique features and workflows of their apps and rely on third-party Open Source Software (OSS) for the common features. Unfortunately, despite their benefits, careless use of OSS can introduce significant legal and security risks, which if ignored can not only jeopardize security and privacy of end users, but can also cause app developers high financial loss. However, tracking OSS components, their versions, and interdependencies can be very tedious and error-prone, particularly if an OSS is imported with little to no knowledge of its provenance.
We therefore propose OSSPolice, a scalable and fully-automated tool for mobile app developers to quickly analyze their apps and identify free software license violations as well as usage of known vulnerable versions of OSS. OSSPolice introduces a novel hierarchical indexing scheme to achieve both high scalability and accuracy, and is capable of efficiently comparing similarities of app binaries against a database of hundreds of thousands of OSS sources (billions of lines of code). We populated OSSPolice with 60K C/C++ and 77K Java OSS sources and analyzed 1.6M free Google Play Store apps. Our results show that 1) over 40K apps potentially violate GPL/AGPL licensing terms, and 2) over 100K of apps use known vulnerable versions of OSS. Further analysis shows that developers violate GPL/AGPL licensing terms due to lack of alternatives, and use vulnerable versions of OSS despite efforts from companies like Google to improve app security. OSSPolice is available on GitHub.

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